Conscious Behavioral Therapies - Prof. Dr. Elvan İşeri

Prof. Dr. Elvan İŞERİ
Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
Office : +90(312) 441 41 10
mobile : +90(530) 642 42 17
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Conscious Behavioral Therapies

Psychotherapy; It is the general name given to the technique of solving mental disorders or problems through verbal interaction (therapeutic interviews). The goal of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, which was developed based on scientific findings in the field of psychology and psychopathology; It is based on changing problematic emotions and maladaptive behavior through various methods. It is a method structured in terms of process and content, that is, it is more limited in time, target-oriented and more problem-oriented. It is a form of therapy that focuses on the client's current problems, but also aims to teach a number of skills that the client can use to solve his problems throughout his life.
Design Ali İŞERİ
Articles are for informational purposes. Please consult your doctor for treatment.
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